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Spill containment berm
When it comes to protecting your floor and the environment from oil or chemical spills, Popular Canvas’ spill containment Berms will help contain the mess.

Our range of spill containment berms will allow you to operate safely with out spilling dangerous oils and liquids.

Spill containment berms can be used for:

Portable Spill Containment Berms

Spill containment
Portable berms are smaller in size and are made from heavy duty PVC canvas making it rugged and long lasting. The walls are filled with foam making them easily folded away and stored when not in use. The material is easy to clean after use.
Length Width Height
500mm 500mm 150mm
1000mm 1000mm 200mm
2000mm 1000mm 200mm

Collapsible Spill Berms

Spill containment berm
Collapsible Berms are used for areas which require a larger volume of storage while The walls are collapsable allowing vehicles to drive over the walls when flat, and then erecting the side wall to contain the area around the vehicle.

Made from Heavy duty PVC with reinforced walls for long lasting and durable products.
Our Collapsible Berms are manufactured to custom sizes and generally approximately 300mm wall height and any floor size.

Do you need a Spill Berm?

Welding screens

Welding Screens

Welding screens are made from Flame retardant amber PVC to protect the user from arc light and hot elements from escaping the work area.



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Canvas Covers

Canvas covers, our range of products are made to our customers specific needs. Give us a call or pop in to our office to discuss what you require.